Aligning academic and vocational studies on a state-of-the-art, sustainable campus.
Colliers Project Leaders provided project management services for the $103.8M expansion and renovation of the Bristol County Agricultural High School (Bristol Aggie). Expansion from 450 to 640 students required strategic new construction, additions, and renovations to create more cohesion amongst academic and vocational studies on campus and provide new state-of-the-art labs and specialized learning spaces. A design goal was to integrate sustainability and energy efficiency into the campus.
The design included six new and updated buildings on campus: the new Center for Science and the Environment, new Student Commons, renovations and a small addition to Gilbert Hall, a new Landscape/Arbor Building, a renovated Agricultural Mechanics Building, and a new net-positive Dairy Barn. The Center for Science and the Environment as well as the renovated Gilbert Hall, an existing historic building on the south end of campus, have both achieved LEED Gold certification.
Due to its remarkable sustainability features, Built Environment Plus awarded Bristol Aggie as the 2022 Green Building of the Year. Sustainability features include stormwater management, green and solar-ready roofs, composting toilets, LED lighting, timber frame construction, and electrical vehicle charging stations. Bristol Aggie is notably the first MSBA-funded school building utilizing composting toilets. The project was also cited by ENR New England as the best K-12 Education project for 2023.
Colliers Project Leaders served as the owner’s project manager during the feasibility study and schematic design phases of the project. As the owner’s project manager, Project Leaders coordinated the designer selection process on behalf of the regional school in accordance with the MSBA’s Designer Selection Guidelines. We also monitored the activities and responsibilities of the designer and assisted the Owner in the review of the proposed scope, schedule, and budget.
Colliers Project Leaders guided the project through the MSBA process in developing the project scope and budget agreement with the MSBA, which determined the MSBA Grant for completion of the project. We continued to serve as owner’s project manager during the design, bidding, construction, and closeout phases of the project.